Boxing Spotlight

Marvin Johnson (left): 3 Time Light Heavyweight Champion and Craig Houk (right): Founder of the Indiana Boxing Hall of Fame and former boxer.
Star Johnson (left): Live Excellence/Founder and Executive Producer with Indiana's own World Heavy Weight Champion "Lamon Brewster" (right)
Henry "Hank" Johnson: Indiana's own "2020" inductee into the hall of fame. Elder brother of "Marvin Johnson". The only 3 time World Light Heavyweight Champion. In the history of professional boxing. In "Hank's" career and his achievements. He was the coach for the Olympics' Boxing Team. Coach for the Ft. Briggs U.S. Boxing Team, and Professional Boxing Coach, as well as an amateur boxer, philanthropist, and humanitarian for the city of Indianapolis
Craig Houk: Founder of the Indiana Boxing Hall of Fame and former boxer
In audience 11 other international world and national champions. International and national professional boxing officials. Such as Michael Sphinx/former World Light Heavy Weight Champion, Fred Burnns/Professional Boxing Promoter, and George DeFabis/President of the Golden Gloves
World Heavy Weight Champion "Buster Douglas" (right) with Joel Johnson (left): Live Excellence/Operations Director